Edward Francis Pio
The Two Hour Breakthrough
The 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program
The 20-Week Advanced Masterly Program
The 15-Week Weight Loss
Recreate-Your-Body Program
Professional Health Providers Program
Become A Certified Instructor Program

Welcome to my website
We spend time daily on diet and physical exercise training. Mind training has not been a part of American culture. However, as we experience increasing stress, anxiety, and other health problems, we have found that training the mind is the solution to many of our mental and physical health concerns.
I look forward to sharing my fifty-nine years of experience as a Life Coach and Mind-Training Coach. I teach many mind-body skills, including Mindfulness, the Theta Brain Wave Technique, Medical Hypnosis, Medical Self-Hypnosis, and Yoga Nidra deep meditation.
If you are searching for new self-improvement skills or the solution to your health problems, please text or call me
Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Programs
Many people are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety/panic attacks, causing depression, autoimmune diseases, insomnia, high blood pressure, diabetes, various cancers, and brain fog. Do you or anyone you know suffer from any of these debilitating health issues? If so, there is an alternative to drugs that mainly deal with symptoms and seldom the problem. The alternative offers evidenced-based, proven, and effective mind-body skills for the treatment of the problem as well as the symptoms. You can learn how to mitigate all these and all other health issues with the 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program.
I have been a Life Coach and have taught mind-body skills for fifty-nine years with over 90,000 students completing my programs. In 2018, I began teaching a Mindfulness Meditation program for a local medical group. My students/patients were primarily experiencing chronic pain, with a number addicted to opioids. Medical doctors monitored the program, and it was a success, with most patients off of medications and no longer experiencing pain at the end of the 12-week program.
As a result of this experience, I determined that my 12-week program was too short and that more practice time and information was necessary. So I created the 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program, a new 20-week program divided into four steps: discovering the relationship of your mind to your body is the first step; practicing focus, deep physical relaxation and developing stillness of your mind is the second step; the third step is adding new mind-body skills for optimizing your life and living pain-free; connecting with Source, making the Self-Healing Connection and experiencing permanent healing is the fourth step.
The First Step
The first of the four steps is discovering your mind-body relationship. It begins with you considering your body as a vehicle, your mind as the driver, and your Essence or Soul in the backseat. Your vehicle is autonomous, meaning that computer programs run it most of the time. The main computer for your vehicle is your brain, which has a number of systems or applications built-in and active or online at birth.
You need to be concerned about two major applications or programs in your brain: the fight or flight response and your internal hard drive recording function. The fight or flight response is meant to save your life in a dangerous world by massive chemical and electrical changes in your body, making you superhuman and able to fend off lions and tigers. Fortunately, that is no longer an issue with most humans, but unfortunately, the program can be activated by pain, fear, or danger, real or imagined, during the day and even at night in your dreams.
Health professionals today consider this program the primary cause of many of our health issues. There is no pharmaceutical solution to this program. The only solution is to neutralize it by creating a Relaxation Response program in your brain. Evidence-based studies show that practicing deep relaxation exercises taught in the 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program daily for four to six months creates a Relaxation Response program in your brain.
You also need to be concerned about the internal hard drive recording function. Every thought and every physical action from inside the womb until the moment you die is recorded on your internal hard drive. Many of your recorded life experiences, particularly those before the age of seven, can and do cause stress and other problems physically as well as mentally.
Your mind or consciousness is the driver of your autonomous vehicle body. You can be in your vehicle and allow it to operate automatically by the programs in your computer brain, or you can train your mind to be conscious of every turn and direction. In other words, choose to have your hands on the steering wheel and steering, one foot on the accelerator determining your speed and the other near the brake pedal. Most of our automatic programs are very beneficial, such as brushing our teeth, walking or running, or even talking, but we all have programs damaging our physical and mental health. We can heal all of these, as well as all other health issues in your life. To attain a healthy, pain-free body and mind, you can learn and practice the mind-body skills taught in my 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program and experience the Self-Healing Connection.
People without mind training or practice operate their vehicle body ninety percent or more of the time on automatic. Those with various types of mind training can learn to live more in the moment and reduce the automatic to less than forty percent. This increase in consciousness results in far less stress, better physical and mental health, and a happier life overall.
The Second Step
Mind training takes effort and practice. Reading about a particular process or listening to a few guided deep relaxation or focusing sessions will not result in a trained mind. Training your mind requires a process, time/practice, and a coach to help keep the process on track.
The 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program requires a thirty-minute to one-hour live coaching session every week for twenty weeks and a minimum practice time of forty minutes a day. Many of my students/patients find this small amount of time difficult even though they know it is necessary to learn new mind-body skills, create a Relaxation Response, and enjoy a sick-free/pain-free healthy life.
Why is time such a difficult issue? When your life is so busy and on automatic, your ability to make choices or be creative is usually impaired by a cluttered mind and brain fog from excessive stress. Our culture does accept exercise, diet, pharmaceutical/recreational drugs, and sleep as being the best approach to health. We do make time for exercise that benefits our physical bodies. We know our food choices and their effects on our physical bodies. We do enjoy alcoholic beverages, recreational drugs, and the effects on our physical and mental bodies.
Until the past couple of years, sleep was not considered more important than exercise and diet. Today, however, science considers sleep deprivation a major factor in various diseases, ranging from obesity and diabetes to cancer. According to the National Institute of Health, seventy-three percent of Americans do not have a quality night’s sleep. Quality sleep is determined not only by how many hours one is unconsciously asleep but also by the degree of deep rest and healing one receives.
Increase the value of the time you are now spending sleeping in bed. Evidence-based studies support that after four weeks of practicing the forty-minute focusing/relaxation sessions in the 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program, each session produces the equivalent healing deep rest of eight hours of quality sleep. You still have to sleep, but gradually, your time asleep will increase, as will your healing quality and overall health.
The 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program takes a little of your time learning about your mind-body connection each week. The daily focus/deep relaxation session experience has an immediate value from a deep healing rest standpoint.
The Third Step
The Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program teaches several mind-body skills. The first and most important skill is learning to focus and quiet your mind while staying awake and allowing your body to relax and go into a deep, healing sleep. Learning to program your computer brain with words and sensory imaging is a life-changing skill. Another skill is experiencing a decrease in blood flow to control inflammation and increase blood flow for faster healing. Also, bleeding can be controlled by muscle control rather than coagulation.
Pain is a critical issue in many lives, and muscle spasms/cramps are the cause. You are taught and experience a procedure for releasing muscle spasms/cramps anywhere in your body. For those experiencing chronic pain not caused by spasms, there are imagery procedures for literally turning off the pain.
The Fourth Step
The fourth step is making the Self-Healing Connection and experiencing permanent healing. After five weeks of practicing the focusing process of letting your body go to sleep and keeping your mind awake, you are introduced to releasing all focus and increasing your awareness/consciousness to a new high level. At this high level of mental awareness, you can make a self-healing connection.
The Self-Healing Connection is mechanical and does not involve belief systems, but it does involve some basic understanding of who you are as a human being. In other words, the Self-Healing Connection is already a part of every human being; all we have to do is find it and use it.
One major health issue that I suffered for over fifty years of my life was psoriasis. Both of my parents had psoriasis, as well as my two siblings. Being a successful Mind-Body coach, when the psoriasis plaques first appeared on my body, I decided to wait for science to discover the cause, and then I would use my skills to program healing.
As of two years ago, science has offered no solutions except medicine, which has many scary side effects. So, one day in 2018, I decided to make the Self-Healing Connection, and several days later, the psoriasis plaques were gone. I can teach and coach you to do the same with your health problems.
The 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program
The Masterly Program has twenty classes. The program is designed to take over a minimum of 140 days or twenty weeks. Each class is thirty minutes to an hour in length with an individual or family and is presented live by Edward Francis Pio in person or by a live Zoom broadcast on the internet. All live online classes are recorded and available to the client/patient as an MP4 at no additional cost.
Each class has new homework requirements and new information in the lecture part of each class, which is followed up with PDFs sent to you for downloading, reading, and storing in your Masterly Program folder.
The class time and date are mutually agreed upon, with a minimum of seven days between each class. For various reasons, the 20-week program usually extends to 22 to 26 weeks or more. Your practice of at least one focus/deep relaxation session a day for at least seven days after each class is the key to learning and using the mind-body skills taught in my 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program and experiencing the Self-Healing Connection.
Let’s Get Started
If you have read this far, you are probably interested in making changes in your life. I would love to talk with you and answer any questions you may have about your health issues, my 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program, or my background and experience. We can talk in person, on the phone, or via the internet and video applications such as Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, or Facetime.
You can contact me in Pacific Grove, California, at 831-206-0450 or, if you are outside the United States, by email at edwardpio@gmail.com. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message with the time and day you want me to call you. Or you can use the registration form on this site.
The conversation is free with no obligation. After our conversation, if you decide we are a good fit, your next step would be to sign up for a Breakthrough Session.
Breakthrough Session
In the Breakthrough Session, you will learn more about my 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program and how the program might fit into your life. Edward Francis Pio presents the two-hour live Session with a forty-minute deep relaxation focusing session. A Breakthrough Session is offered in your home if you live in the Central Coast area of California and on the internet anywhere in the world on a live Zoom broadcast. All members of the household are invited to participate in the Session. Your investment for the session is $100. When you invest in the twenty-week 140-Day Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program, you receive credit for the full amount. All credit cards are accepted.
Your Investment in the 140 Day
Mind-Body-Spirit Masterly Program
New Shelter-in-Place Tuition
Effective June 1, 2020
Individual investment WAS $3750 NOW $1950
$500 down and four equal payments of $400
Family investment WAS $5750 NOW $2950
$950 down and four equal payments of $550
Two or more in the same household
All credit cards are accepted
I am so confident of your learning the mind-body skills to mitigate the reasons why you purchased the Program, that I guarantee to work with all new students for up to 6 months following the completion of the twenty-week program absolutely free. The students must complete the twenty-week program and all of the homework requirements and still need help in solving their health or other problems.
Wellness and successful living don’t just happen. For 59 years Edward Francis Pio has taught mind-body skills and skills for successful living to thousands of people from all walks of life. His teaching continues to expand as his understanding - his consciousness - grows: As he includes more knowledge of science, philosophy, and religion, the dynamics of his teaching grow exponentially, and today his work in teaching others how to create Wellness and joyful, fruitful and fulfilling lives is at its all-time highest level.
Successfully incorporate into your daily life skills that thousands of others have learned and experienced through the teachings of Edward Francis Pio. Learn how this highly effective healing system can change the way you think, feel, and live. Master the art of consciously reaching your alert theta brain wave level, experiencing Yoga Nidra Deep Meditation, and the extraordinary value of attaining this state of consciousness.
Edward Francis Pio is a resident of Pacific Grove, California. He is the founder and Executive Director of the International Mind Body Institute. Mr. Pio has fifty-nine years' experience teaching medical hypnosis, medical self-hypnosis, light, and deep meditation, the Theta Brain Wave Technique, and Yoga Nidra Deep Meditation to professionals, business organizations and private groups. Over ninety thousand students have taken his webinars and live or home study courses worldwide -- including 760 men in Soledad Prison, located in Central California. Mr. Pio has lectured and taught extensively on cruise ships and to select groups in Canada, Mexico, China, Russia, Italy and India.
Anxiety attacks
Theta Brain Wave Training
Sluggish memory
Sleep disorders
Migraine headaches
Limiting thinking